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We are an innovative Silicon Valley company with a strong focus on research and development. We have been awarded a patent by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in February 2018 for our innovative and proprietary UHF RFID laundry tag invention. This patent is the first of many to come as we are continuing to put emphasis on creating disruptive technologies that would revolutionize the RFID space. In turn, our customers would reap the benefits of these innovations.

With a diverse background in key industries such as technology and finance, our team of founders has fostered a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. We have invested significant capital in research and development and hired the best international team of technology experts. We believe by laying out the right foundation from the beginning, we can continue to create disruptive RFID technologies in our focused areas. We have also encouraged a flat hierarchy and team-oriented environment that are conducive to the exchange of new ideas and cross-pollination. We believe the future is NOW!